Refinancing your home loan gets you back in control of your mortgage.

When you refinance your home loan we can help you access some great benefits from your new loan, which could help put you in a better financial position or gain more control of your home loan.

What is refinancing?

When you refinance you take out a new loan to payout your existing loan.

You have a world of options when refinancing, you can refinance with your existing lender or we can find you a new lender. Either way, we’ll walk you through your options.

classy dining table
Home owner playing with daughter.

Why Refinance?

Refinancing your existing home loan can be a great way to reduce your repayments.

Refinancing can also help you access your equity to purchase an investment property, switch to a fixed rate when you find a low rate, consolidate high-interest debt or simply access greater features when your circumstances change. Whatever your reason, we’re here to simplify the refinance process.

How much does it cost to refinance?

Depending on your existing loan and lender, there could be some costs you’ll need to consider when refinancing.

We’ll help you understand which fees might impact your decision to refinance, such as; exit fees, valuation fees, application fees, settlement fees. The good news is we’re able to negotiate some of these fees or find you a low fee loan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a pre-approval?

If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to

Do I need a pre-approval?

If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to

Do I need a pre-approval?

If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to

Do I need a pre-approval?

If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to

Do I need a pre-approval?

If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to

Do I need a pre-approval?

If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to If you’re beginning your property search then we highly recommend getting a pre-approval as this will allow you to

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